JUST a quick note to say how much I've enjoyed my first day as a full time motoring journalist.
It's not every day you start as a writer for Classic Car Weekly, which is based down in Peterborough and published by Bauer Media, but that's exactly how the dream of getting up, driving gorgeous old cars and then getting paid to write about them, started this morning.
I've already been entrusted with a series of motoring-related missions, including some stories which should, fingers crossed, be in next Wednesday's edition. All this on a day when I've managed to get totally lost in the office's endless corridors and have only just discovered where the canteen is!
Ever since I learned to string "Range Rover" into a sentence I've been pretty much obsessed with cars, especially older ones which make grunty noises when you put your foot down. For the past three years, my friends at The Champion have allowed me to indulge my automotive passions on the flimsiest of journalistic excuses - and don't worry, the weekly column WILL continue - but now I'm a fully grown boy and I get to do what I love doing most of all for a living.
To say I'm looking forward to giving these automotive adventures my all's a bit of an understatement.
Tomorrow's assignment: drive an E-Type. No, really. One of my first assignments for Classic Car Weekly is to let you know what it's like to get behind the wheel of a car I've been itching to drive since I was ten years old.
I'll keep you posted...
Have you got a story for Classic Car Weekly you'd like to share with David? Get in touch with him by sending an email to david.simister@classiccarweekly.co.uk or give him a call on 01733 468847.
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Life begins at Classic Car Weekly
Life begins at Classic Car Weekly
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